Alcohol Surveys for Lilburn -
Distances Requirements

Requirements for Alcohol Surveys for Lilburn, GA can be found at the City of Lilburn website. We highly recommend checking the distance requirement information before buying or leasing property for your business. I wanted to share this information with you to help you determine if the location you are considering will meet the distance requirements for the City of Lilburn.

Alcohol Surveys

Lilburn Distance Requirements
for Alcohol Surveys

This information is from the Lilburn website and the Code of Ordinance for Lilburn, Georgia. This will assist you in navigating the application process as it relates to Distance Requirements for Alcohol Surveys in the City of Lilburn.

Distance Requirements can be found at City of Lilburn Code of Ordinances. 

Businesses that sell and/or serve beer, wine, and distilled spirits in the City of Lilburn are required to obtain an Alcoholic Beverage License. Licenses are issued from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. City of Lilburn Alcoholic Beverage Licenses are issued in accordance with regulations and requirements outlined in Chapter 6 of the City of Lilburn Code of Ordinances.

Please access the Alcohol Licensing Portal to apply for both the state and local alcohol licenses. Appointments with the Business Services Manager are required to submit payment and alcohol licensing documents. Contact Rebecca Baumann at 770-279-3708 to schedule a time.

All Alcohol Licensees are required to purchase alcohol from wholesale distributors.

It is important to go directly to Lilburn’s website and the Code of Ordinances to confirm all distance requirements. The City of Lilburn, from time to time, will change the distance requirements. Therefore, chech it regularly. This site, Alcohol Surveys for Lilburn, is intended to provide preliminary information for your use for distances requirements.

Section 6-64. – Distance Requirements.
Code of Ordinance for City of Lilburn, GA

The following information is taken from the Code of Ordinances for your convenience.

(a)  No person, knowingly and intentionally, may sell or offer to sell any alcoholic beverage in or within 100 yards of a church building or within 200 yards of any school grounds.

(b)  The school buildings referred to in this section shall apply only to state county, city or church school buildings and to such buildings at such other schools in which are taught subjects commonly taught in the common school and colleges of this state, and does not include a pre- kindergarten program. The term "school building" includes only those structures in which instruction is offered.

(c)  The term "church building," as used herein, means the main structure used by any religious organization for purposes of worship.

(d)  For purposes of this section, distance shall be measured by the most direct route of travel on the ground and shall be measured in the following manner:

(1)  In a straight line from the front door of the structure from which alcoholic beverages are sold or offered for sale;

(2)  To the front door of the building of a church, government-owned treatment center, or a retail package store, or

(3)  To the nearest property line of the real property being used for school or educational purposes.

(e)  No location which is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be denied continued operation under an existing license, or denied any renewal of such license, nor shall any new owner of said location be denied a new license based upon the measurements set forth in this section.

(f)  As to any location licensed in the future, if the distance requirements herein are met at the time of issuance of any license, the subsequent opening and operation of a church or school within the distance prohibited herein shall not prevent the continuance of an existing license or the renewal thereof or the issuance of a new license to any subsequent owner of such property. However, notwithstanding any other provisions of this section and chapter, said use shall not be reestablished after discontinuance of 12 months, unless it shall meet the requirements of subsection (a).

(g)  Nothing in this section shall not prohibit the issuance of a license only for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises if all other requirements of this article have been met.

(h)  An applicant for a license to sell alcohol must submit written documentation from the city's director of planning and economic development or his/her designee that the applicant meets the distance requirements as set forth herein.

Contact Information for the City of Lilburn for
Alcohol Surveys for Lilburn

For more information on Alcohol Surveys for Lilburn, Georgia:

You may visit the Business Services in the City Hall, 1st Floor, 340 Main Street, Lilburn, Georgia or call 770-921-2210 for more information.

To Get your Alcohol Survey, call 770-316-1720.
Elvin Aycock
Expedited Services Available.

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