The Forensic Team is your local source to get engineering expertise for your case. Click on the title description or the photo of the expert to obtain additional information about the expert.
Call for information about our expertise in Civil Engineering, Hydrology, and Land Surveying. We specialize in gathering information to present to the courts. It is vital and critical to explain technical issues to the jury in a way that they understand the issue.
An expert takes on the responsibility of a teacher in front of a jury. They are not engineers and do not deal with technical matters daily. The expert's role is to explain it in a way they understand which allows them to make an educated decision.
Our forensic teams specializes in providing the best forensic service in the industry. Our engineers and hydrologists are professional who strive to be the best in the business.
Elvin Aycock heads the team and has more than 45 years of experience. He has more than 100 depositions and court testimonies and is well versed in explaining the technical matters before the court. it is critical they jury understand what an engineer is saying. The absolute best way to lose a jury is to talk over their head where they do not understand the technical issues.
The very best expert witness is the person that can explain the highly complicated technical issues so the jury understands.
Elvin Aycock sees the court testimony as a time to teach the jury, not to show how smart he is. If you desire to win, teach the jury. They love it and they will love you for it.
Truck / Tractor, PE
Joe Middlename, PE is an expert in the field of truck / tractor semi trailers involved in traffic accidents .... Read More
School Bus Expert
Thomas Lastname, PE is an expert in the field of school bus traffic accidents which have been involved in a traffic accident.
The process of scene mapping using a detailed scaled drawing of the roadway evidence, can provide conclusive forensic evidence is often left on the roadway as a result of the accident.
A vehicle inspection analysis can determine how and why the accident happened. Atlanta Engineering can help uncover the cause and provide expert witness for you.
If you have had an accident involving motorcycles, it is important that the attorney or insurance claims adjustor contact our experts immediately to obtain as much evidence as possible.
Scene investigations to locate police markings and other roadway evidence illustrated here using scene mapping, which involves creating a scaled drawing of the roadway evidence.
Collision Analysis is just one part of traffic reconstruction provided by Atlanta Civil Engineering. See these 10 steps which briefly summarize the procedure.
Accident reconstruction and collsion analysis is accomplished by gathering wreck data at the scene, inspecting the vehicles and calculating speeds of each vehicle.
Atlanta Engineering Services would like to give you a free electronic copy of our most recent article featured in Collision Magazine. Find out more here