For service in the Atlanta, Georgia area contact or call us:
An Alcohol License-Johns Creek has specific distance requirements. It is important to know the distances to the nearest church, school, residence, etc. before committing on a location where you desire to sell alcoholic beverages. Most counties and municipalities have specific distance requirements and specific methods of measuring the distances. Contact us for information on specific distance requirements.
You can also go to Johns Creek Code of Ordinances to find the distance requirements for an alcohol license-Johns Creek.
Always check for the most recent Code of Ordinance. Johns Creek makes updates to the Liquor License regulations from time to time.
We specialize in providing Alcohol Surveys in Johns Creek for applicants applying for a Liquor License.
Alcohol Surveys for Johns Creek. Atlanta Engineering Services 770-316-1720 Expedited Services are Available. |
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If your business plans to sell distilled spirits, the present distance requirements are 300 feet from any church building or government owned and operated alcoholic treatment. All school buildings, educational buildings, school grounds or college campuses shall be more than 600 feet from the business.
Be aware that the City will modify these requirements from time to time. Consult the lates ordinance to confirm the requirements.
If your business sells wine or malt beverages, the distance is 300 feet from any school building, school grounds, or college campus.
The guidelines further state that no package distilled spirits licensed shall be issued for any place of business closer than 1500 feet of another licensed packaged distilled spirits business. The place of business shall be more than 200 feet from a private single-family dwelling in a zoning district that permits single and/or two-family dwellings.
We recommend confirming all information with Johns Creek officials. Ordinances and laws are updated and changed from time to time. It is important to review the Code of Ordinances for Alcohol License in Johns Creek to confirm any changes in the ordinance.
Click this link to confirm all Alcohol License requirements.
Atlanta Engineering Services has been providing Alcohol License-Johns Creek suveys for more than 25 years.
During that time we have come to understand that reliable, fast service is important to our clients. We provide standard service turnaround and also expedited services for those clients that have approaching deadlines.
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Alcohol Surveys for Johns Creek. Atlanta Engineering Services 770-316-1720 |
What if a business is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages under the alcohol license and a church or school is constructed within the specified distances of the business?
If the distance requirements are met at the time a license is issued, the subsequent opening and operation of a church, school or treatment center within the prohibited distance shall not prevent the continuance of an existing license.
We serve Cobb County, Gwinnett County, Forsyth County, Clayton County as well as Fulton County. We also served all the cities and communities within each of these counties.
Every City and County have different requirements for measuring distances and each one differs about what to measure.
Call us for consultation on each requirement.
Other Services by Atlanta Engineering Services
Alcohol License in the City of Johns Creek
What is an Alcohol Survey?
Alcohol Survey Requirements in Cobb County
What is included in an Alcohol License Survey?
Beer and Wine Surveys are performed by Professional Surveyors
Beverage License Surveys must be an Alcohol Certified Survey
Liquor License Surveyor’s Contact Information