Personal Injury including accidents involving slips/falls can sometimes cause serious bodily injury. Slip and fall accidents can occur when a property owner fails to clean up or mark uneven surfaces.
A number of personal injury accidents can occur when obstacles are left out creating a hazardous condition. Some of the types of situations our engineers advise our clients on include:
Poor construction / Poor Design
Unmarked Wet Spots
Uneven Flooring
Insufficient Handrails
Stairs / Steps Not Meeting Building Code Regulations
Atlanta Engineering Services performs tests to determine the amount of friction (or slip resistance) on surfaces and ramps. Our engineers are very knowledgeable about building codes and other regulations that have been implemented to help prevent slip and falls.
When you have need for investigating a slip and fall accident, call one of our engineers today.
Engineers experienced in personal injury accidents can advise about the technical aspects of your accident.
Atlanta Engineering Services would like to give you a free electronic copy of our most recent article featured in Collision Magazine. Find out more here
Accident reconstruction and collsion analysis is accomplished by gathering wreck data at the scene, inspecting the vehicles and calculating speeds of each vehicle.
The process of scene mapping using a detailed scaled drawing of the roadway evidence, can provide conclusive forensic evidence is often left on the roadway as a result of the accident.
Scene investigations to locate police markings and other roadway evidence illustrated here using scene mapping, which involves creating a scaled drawing of the roadway evidence.
If you have had an accident involving motorcycles, it is important that the attorney or insurance claims adjustor contact our experts immediately to obtain as much evidence as possible.
A vehicle inspection analysis can determine how and why the accident happened. Atlanta Engineering can help uncover the cause and provide expert witness for you.
Collision Analysis is just one part of traffic reconstruction provided by Atlanta Civil Engineering. See these 10 steps which briefly summarize the procedure.