Alcohol Surveys Chamblee 
Distances Requirements

Alcohol Surveys Chamblee have unique distance requirements the Alcohol License Application Package. The city of Chamblee is a fast growing community and the City  mades changes to its regulations. The regulations for the City of Chamblee can be found at the City of Chamblee website. We highly recommend going to the City's  website to check distance requirements before buying or leasing property for your business. Be informed in all your business activities. 

We wanted to share this information with you to help you determine if the location you are considering meets the distance requirements for alcohol surveys Chamblee.

Alcohol Survey Chamblee

Chamblee Distance Requirements
for Alcohol Surveys Chamblee

This information was taken from the Chamblee website and the Code of Ordinance for Chamblee, Georgia. This information will help you navigate the application process as it relates to Distance Requirements for Alcohol Surveys in the City of Chamblee.

Distance Requirements can be found  at City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances. 

Businesses that sell and/or serve beer, wine, and distilled spirits in the City of Chamblee are required to obtain an Alcoholic Beverage License. Licenses are issued from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 of each year and must be renewed annually. City of Chamblee Alcoholic Beverage Licenses are issued in accordance with regulations and requirements outlined in Chapter 6 of the City of Chamblee Code of Ordinances.

Please access the Alcohol Licensing Portal to apply for both the state and local alcohol licenses. Appointments with the Business Services Manager are required to submit payment and alcohol licensing documents. Contact the City of Chamblee:

City of Chamblee

P O Box 16651

Atlanta, GA 30321-0651


3518 Broad Street

Atlanta, GA 30341


All Alcohol Licensees are required to purchase alcohol from wholesale distributors.

It is important to go directly to Chamblee’s website and the Code of Ordinances to confirm all distance requirements. The City of Chamblee, from time to time, will change the distance requirements. Therefore, chech it regularly. This site, Alcohol Surveys for Chamblee, is intended to provide preliminary information for your use for distances requirements.

Section 6-46. – Distance of Premises from school, churches, etc.
Code of Ordinance for City of Chamblee, GA

(a) An initial alcoholic beverage license application shall be denied if the applicant seeks to sell:

(1) Any wine, malt beverages or distilled spirits by the package within 200 yards of any public or private elementary or secondary school, including those located in churches.

(2) Any wine, malt beverages or distilled spirits by the package within 100 yards of any church building.

(3) Any wine, malt beverages or distilled spirits by the package or for consumption on the premises within 100 yards of an alcoholic treatment center owned and operated by the State of Georgia or any county or municipal government therein.

(4) Any distilled spirits by the package within 200 yards of a college campus.

(5) Any wine or malt beverages by the package within 100 yards of a college campus.

(6) This subparagraph (a) shall not apply to require denial of an application for a license at a location where the sale of alcoholic beverages was lawful at any time during the 12 months immediately preceding the filing of the application.

(b) The term "college campus" means the buildings and grounds of any public or private technical school, vocational school, college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education.

(c) For the purpose of this section, measurements shall be made in a straight line without regard to intervening structures or objects, from the closest part of any structure occupied by the alcoholic beverage establishment to the closest point on a property line of a parcel occupied by a land use identified in subsection (a) above. Where a use identified in subsection (a) is located in a multi-tenant development, the distance shall be measured to the closest part of the tenant space occupied by that use rather than the property line of the entire development. Every initial alcoholic beverage license application shall include a scale drawing of the location of the proposed premises showing the distance of the uses described in this section, and a certificate of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer stating that the location complies with the distance requirements of this section. The drawing and certificate must be not more than six months old when the application is filed.

Alcohol Survey Chamblee Georgia

Alcohol Surveys Chamblee
Sec. 6-56. - Sales and consumption on public property.

(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, serve, or otherwise dispense any alcoholic beverage in a street, alley, or parking lot commonly used by the public or in any other public place or on public property.

(b) Private parties and organizations may secure a permit from the city manager to serve, sell, or otherwise dispense alcoholic beverages on property owned or leased by the city.

(c) An outdoor festival host holding a special event permit may allow or prohibit alcohol consumption at the outdoor festival and shall have the right to require that alcohol consumed at the outdoor festival be purchased or obtained from an official outdoor festival vendor. Such authorization and/or limitations shall be set forth on the application for the special event permit.

Contact Information for the City of Chamblee for
Alcohol Surveys Chamblee

For more information on Alcohol Surveys Chamblee, Georgia:

Mail your complete reporting form to:

City of Chamblee

PO Box 16651

Atlanta, GA 30321-0651


3518 Broad Street

Atlanta, GA 30341


To Get your Alcohol Survey, call 770-316-1720.
Elvin Aycock
Expedited Services Available.

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