Truck accidents are caused by many possible factors. Our professional engineers are trained and skilled at investigating comm-truck collisions to determine the cause of the accident.
We have successfully investigated many types of truck accidents, including commercial hauling trucks, as well as shuttles, buses, delivery vans, and SUV rollovers.
A traffic accident involving a large commercial truck such as an 18-wheeler or semi truck can have disastrous consequences. A typical fully loaded large commercial truck can weigh 80,000 pounds, while an average passenger automobile weighs approximately 4,000 pounds.
Because of the sheer size and weight of trucks, any collision between a commercial truck and another vehicle is likely to result in serious, even fatal, injuries.
Gathering Roadway Evidence
When you have a need for the investigation of an accident involving a commercial truck / tractor, call one of our professional engineers for an investigation of the accident.
Roadway evidence begins to disappear soon after the accident making it critically important to have a professional gather the evidence. A motor vehicle accident is a serious matter, particularly when it involves a commercial truck. An experienced truck / tractor accident investigator can advise you about what to do and the steps that need to be taken in order to preserve evidence and evaluate the accident.
Accident reconstruction and collsion analysis is accomplished by gathering wreck data at the scene, inspecting the vehicles and calculating speeds of each vehicle.
Scene investigations to locate police markings and other roadway evidence illustrated here using scene mapping, which involves creating a scaled drawing of the roadway evidence.
The process of scene mapping using a detailed scaled drawing of the roadway evidence, can provide conclusive forensic evidence is often left on the roadway as a result of the accident.
Collision Analysis is just one part of traffic reconstruction provided by Atlanta Civil Engineering. See these 10 steps which briefly summarize the procedure.
If you have had an accident involving motorcycles, it is important that the attorney or insurance claims adjustor contact our experts immediately to obtain as much evidence as possible.
Atlanta Engineering Services would like to give you a free electronic copy of our most recent article featured in Collision Magazine. Find out more here
A vehicle inspection analysis can determine how and why the accident happened. Atlanta Engineering can help uncover the cause and provide expert witness for you.